YES or NO? Decide quickly and in time!
November 26th, 2024 • Zdena Macháčková
Reflex Capital → Blog → Cleaning Sucks
I remember well the fights with my parents over tidying up my room. I mean, is that really necessary? Organised things are for dumbs, smart guys can navigate in chaos!
Over time, I found out I can avoid this boring task when there is nothing to clean. Everything can be put back to place after I stop using it. And this simple principle works great everywhere. When I do it right at first, I don’t have to get back to them.
It’s even more important in business. Your goal is to build a successful business, and you may want to have an option to sell it in the future. It won’t help if you know, how to navigate the chaos. The investor wants to be able to navigate it itself. Each missing contract, IP or makeshift arrangements will be grounds to hammer the price down. And cleaning the mess during the due diligence is nerve wracking and sometimes even impossible.
Do I know, where and how all my contracts are organised? Do I have that code from a friend covered with IP assignment? Is my accounting showing real accruals and aging of A/R? … Anywhere where I can be tempted to cut a corner and have a temporarily easier way, I should ask myself – if I was an investor, what would I say to this? Well, I rather work overtime to do it right. Because cleaning sucks.
November 26th, 2024 • Zdena Macháčková
April 29th, 2024 • Ondřej Fryc
I’m not gonna pretend anything, I was trapped too. It felt good to have our company and myself in the media! It boosted my ego, which grew. There are some people who don’t have that, but I see it in most founders around the age of 30 and let’s be honest – everyone is a bit of a narcissist.
April 20th, 2024 • Eduard Míka
It is said that creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are the engines of economic development and the future prosperity of any country depends on them. In all neighboring countries, this seems to be the case, but not here.
April 10th, 2024 • Eduard Míka
Every investment transaction is essentially a bet on the person of the founder and their vision. There is usually nothing else in a startup.